Sunday, August 19, 2007

Welcome to FilmGeekChronicles!!

Okay, so this should have been the FIRST post of this blog. But, it's damn near 3am in the morning. Sue me.

This blog will be about all things film: indie, Hollywood, foreign, etc. I love film and I finally get a chance to wax poetic about some of my favorite films, directors, and review current films and comment about films in production, etc.

Of course, I will definitely bring a nice little 'ol intellectually sound perspective to the intersections of race, class, sexuality, and identity and how they are/are not accurately portrayed in films....

Eventually, when I can sum up enough courage, I will even post parts of scripts in progress of my own.

Who am I? Just an Ivy league educated, Black man whose vivid memories are as a six year old, sitting with my Dad, watching ALIEN on HBO, a couple years after it coming out and telling him "I wanna do that". Now, here I am, after several years of starts and aborts, I'm determined to do this and see where it takes me.

I hope you come along for the ride and enjoy what you read and learn along the way.


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