Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hey Everyone!/Back From Hiatus

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the long "hiatus" of sorts. A lot has been going on in my personal and professional life, so I haven't been here that much, if at all.

I have missed a LOT of good films, and some really bad ones that merited a good deconstruction...

But, I will have reviews of BELLA, THE KINGDOM, and GONE BABY GONE up by week's end.

Til then, see you at the movies! :)


John K said...

Please do post your reviews when you can, and I hope you're doing okay.

Ryan Canty said...

Thanks John!

I have been watching movies; I just haven't had time to come here and post.

I have a new job, and just getting more of a handle on my personal and financial lives has been difficult..but I'm working things out on both ends.

But, I will be posting reviews for HITMAN, GONE BABY GONE, and BELLA within the coming week...THE KINGDOM--will be for a future dvd release.

I'll have to call you soon..some good news on the "fulfilling goals" front...

Enjoy the rest of your holiday!